Eggs by the dozen
Need another reason to get up in the morning? How about so you can have a hearty breakfast of fried eggs? Eggs are an excellent source of protein, choline (an essential nutrient similar to B vitamins), and Omega-3 fatty acids (our hens have flax meal in their feed, which contributes to the higher Omega 3’s and darker yolks).
We have a small flock of Sapphire Gem and California White free-range chickens (including 2 roosters), along with a couple green-egg layers for variety. They get fed all certified Organic feed, which is naturally non-GMO, and are allowed to happily and busily roam the farmyard all afternoon every day.
We ask $5.00 per dozen for our farm-fresh eggs.
You may message ahead of time to reserve eggs for yourself.
Note: We do not wash our eggs, but just brush them clean, as washing removes the natural protective oils (or “bloom”) off of the eggs and they won’t keep nearly as well. Unwashed eggs will easily keep a couple of weeks unrefrigerated.
Here’s a family favorite recipe that uses several eggs and dairy products. Mmmmm
recipe compliments of a Mennonite friend from ND
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup cream
1 cup milk
1 cup dry biscuit crumbs (or bread crumbs)
1 1/2 cups cottage cheese
8 ozs grated cheddar cheese
2 tsps. finely chopped onion
1 tsp. parsley flakes
1/4 tsp. salt
6 eggs, lightly beaten
Spray 9x13" pan with oil. Pour butter in pan. Mix rest of ingredients and pour into pan. Spread evenly. Bake @ 350F for 40 to 45 minutes.
You can make 1 1/2 batches and bake in 2 pie pans instead.