Fruit tree workshops

Pruning and scionwood

harvesting workshop

NOTE: This class has already been held. Let us know if you’re interested in another class like this next year.

In this class you will learn the basics of pruning your fruit trees. Pruning is very important for training your tree to grow properly, eliminating unproductive branches, and helping prevent disease. While you're pruning your trees, you may also select scions (twigs of the previous year's growth) to use for grafting later. This class will mostly be out-of-doors, where you will be shown in person what to be looking for when pruning fruit trees, and even get to do some lopping and clipping yourself.

Registration: Please reach out to Michael at to let us know if you want to come or ask any questions.

Time and place: Monday, March 3rd at the Little Elk Organic Farm (207 W 6th St. Randall, MN) from 1:30 PM to 3:00PM or so.

What to bring: Please bring weather-appropriate clothing and, (if you have them), a branch lopper, pruning saw, bypass shears, or stepladder. Children are welcome, but they must be accompanied and supervised by an adult, as we will cutting branches from trees and there are livestock present on the farm. If you bring children along, please be aware of the inherent risks.

*Not responsible for accidents.

Topwork Grafting


This is what most people will probably imagine when they think of grafting. In this class we will be replacing existing branches on a standing fruit tree with scions from a totally different variety of the same species. If you have limited space in your yard, this will allow you to effectively grow more cultivars of fruit without planting additional trees. Isn't it fun to think of picking two, five, or ten different types of apples from the same tree?

This event is being done in partnership with the Central Chapter of the Sustainable Farmer’s Association (SFA) of Minnesota.

Date: Sunday, May 19, at the Little Elk Organic Farm: 207 W 6th St. Randall, MN

Time: 1:30pm to about 3:30pm.

What to bring: If you have any of these items, please bring them along: bypass shears, pruning saw, grafting knife, stepladder. If you want to do some topwork on your own trees at home, we will have some supplies on hand that you can purchase.

Caution: This involves working with sharp knives and possibly climbing ladders or trees, and there are livestock present elsewhere on the farm. If you bring children along, please be aware of the inherent risks.