2022 doings on the farm

Movin' bales

Inquisitive turkeys

The garden building with the bounty of Fall harvest.

A view from above: our round bale inventory

Beets of all descriptions

A spooky moonlit walk to the barn for morning milking

Two "chicken tractors"

The farm from a distant hayfield

Sassy on the right with her new baby in the foreground, attended closely by Ray

A mysterious insect on an apple blossom

Beauty in the manure pile

Ringo with her new baby

Some broiler chickens

Some broiler chickens in their chicken tractor

Our young geese with their new pool

An apple tree graft that's leafing out nicely

Josie and Matilda in their hiding spot

Our driveway after the June flood

Our driveway after the June flood

The turkeys spent some time in a chicken tractor too.

The sky's the limit!

Yellow bugs on a yellow tansy flower head

One of our many Organic insect control employees

The farm

Our seed garlic drying before planting season in the fall

Donna and her OWN baby

The beauty after a storm


Chicks starting in the brooder house

Some hungry chickens

fluffball goslings

That's the moon, not the sun.

Don't let the serious expression fool you, he's a big softie

Donna and someone else's baby

Free turkeys and jealous geese

Some blue beech, or musclewood, growing in our woods.

No Donna, the twins are NOT yours!