Gettin’ Growin’

Exciting things are happening on the farm these days…

Yesterday we got all of the potatoes planted in the big you-pick garden. I’m looking forward to seeing if the King Harry potatoes are really potato bug resistant. Picking potato beetles off of the plants isn’t exactly my idea of fun. ;)

Michael got our little greenhouse set up so we can harden off our little seedlings in there. Now we just need to remember to monitor the heat inside so we don’t fry everything we’ve worked so hard to grow these past weeks!

On Monday, our very first (ever on this farm) goslings should be arriving. Our children are thrilled! Then later in the week, our first batch of meat chicks should arrive and a large order of turkey poults too. The farm will be full of cheeping and peeping sounds.

Got our bluebird houses out. The hope is that the birds who take up residence there will visit the garden and eat their fill of slugs and other bad bugs. Michael needs to figure out what post to use and then he’ll mount a purple marten house out there too.

I’ve been spending some time planning out where we’re going to grow everything in the big garden, trying to keep in mind common companion planting suggestions AND making sure that nothing is grown in the same spot that it was last year. Rotation is key for keeping disease away.

The warm weather just gives us the boost of energy we need to get going with the very long to-do list. It seems that every time we cross something off the list, two more things somehow jump on that very same list. Oh well…. Never did believe that song about the LAZY, hazy, crazy days of Summer.

Here’s hoping you are enjoying this lovely Spring weather as well. Hats off to growing good food to eat and to getting sunburns, er, tans!


End of the season


Seeds Are The Start Of Something Wonderful!