Seeds Are The Start Of Something Wonderful!

I’ve been pouring over the seed catalogs (we must have received a dozen), pondering what you all might like to eat this Summer. Hmmm,

So here’s what several hundreds of $ worth of seeds looks like!


Did you know? For our Certified Organic You-Pick Garden, we need to start out with Certified Organic seed.

For things that take a longer growing season, like peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, celery and many herbs, these seeds need to be started weeks before they’ll be transplanted into the garden. We start them in Certified Organic potting soil too.

Michael bought me/us a very handy plant-stand, growing lights and heat-mats last year for our plant starting venture. Most things grew well and we learned a few lessons the hard way, like DON’T start the tomatoes 6 weeks earlier than the last frost date OR they’ll be 3 feet tall when you want to try to transplant them so you have to dig a trench and burry them sideways…. The okra seeds never did sprout last year. But most things did well and I was encouraged.

Hoping and praying that this year goes even better with our indoor baby plants! I’ll be sure to post updates when we get some of these seeds growing.



Gettin’ Growin’